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About Awkward Portraits

In 2011, portrait photographer Karin Locke threw an Ugly Sweater Party and photographed all of her guests...


Since then, I've done Awkward Portraits for myself and for clients at all kinds of parties, events and festivals, and was featured in issue 57 of Frankie Magazine


In light of the success of this little project of mine I had to ask myself: Why does my generation, a generation that is generally very picky about photos of themselves (to the point of "untagging" pictures on Facebook, for example) enjoy having BAD portraits taken so much? I've worked as a portrait photographer for over 10 years and the most common thing I hear is "I HATE having my picture taken, but I need it for this or that."


In a world of social media "image crafting," Facebook, Instagram, online dating and smart phone selfies, where people share selectively and project an inflated version of their existence, why does our generation revel in the exact opposite? When you take the ego out of a portrait, what is left?

When we stop trying so hard, when we stop taking ourselves so seriously, we allow ourselves to just BE, and that can be very liberating. The extreme of meticulous image crafting and projection of "cool" is momentarily swapped for the other extreme of goofy awkwardness. Somewhere in the middle, the extremes meet and present themselves as a genuine portrait that, I believe, captures a personality. And that is what this portrait series has allowed me to do. I feel like for one moment, when a person is goofing off in front of my camera, they're shedding the pressures and constraints of upholding an image and they're allowing themselves to be real.


And let's be honest. Sometimes we just need a good laugh.

What People Are Saying About Awkward Portraits

All other photography

can only ever NOT be this.

-Adam via Facebook

...a match made in (ugly jumper) heaven.

-Nicole Thomas, Frankie Magazine


[Has] the hipsters squealing in delight.

-Danielle Teutsch, Sydney Morning Herald

"This is possibly the best thing I have seen, ever."


Top Facebook Comments

" would have made the 80's your bitch."




"I can't believe I didn't see this until today. I can now die happy."




"I am dying with laughter, Karin Locke you're amazing!"






"Anything you do in life from now on will seem insignificant."


"I just found my background image for today. Thanks Karin!"


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